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Permits and Fees

The Stege Sanitary District maintains records of all permitted sanitary sewer work within its service area.  A construction permit is required for all new construction or repair/modification of pre-existing sanitary sewer structures (no permits are required for "test only" or water / air pressure tests, or instances where no modifications to existing sewer lateral are performed).  Plumbing contractors need to be registered with the District to perform work within the service area.

The District requires a sewer permit for all sewer related construction work within our service area.  Please note that, a separate encroachment permit may be required from the City of El CerritoKensington or the City of Richmond (for Richmond Annex) to perform work in the public right of way such as the street or sidewalk.

In addition, a separate permit is required from EBMUD if the property owner is required to obtain a compliance certificate for a private sewer lateral.

Plan Check Process

As part of the City/County plan check review process you must first submit plans to the Stege Sanitary District for review/stamp. Simply walk-in to provide printed full-size paper plans to our office prior to submitting to the City/County.  The District will review the same plans submitted to the City/County, and applicants typically provide 3 sets of full size plans.  After your plans are reviewed and fees are paid you may submit them to the City/County.

There is a 24 hour turn around time for review and plans are accepted over the counter. 

No application form is needed. We accept payment by check or credit card.


Plan Check Fees

Building departments within the District's service area will require that any building improvement plans be first reviewed by the District.  Sanitary Sewer plan check services are offered at District Offices and are typically 24 hours turn around.

Connection fee for new sewer laterals

Plan approval fee $5

Inspection fee $25 for repairs ($150 for new sewer laterals)


Connection fee (new residential construction only, per unit cost. This does not apply to accessory dwelling units.) 
$3354.00 for Single Family Units & $2193.00 for Multi Family Units.  (Updated 2/1/2023)

San Pablo Avenue Sewer Capacity Improvement Impact Fee Program: 

In addition to the standard connection fee, an additional Capacity Charge of $271.19 per equivalent fixture count (EFC) shall be assessed for properties within the program area.  The impact fee shall be used to fund capacity improvements brought about by the rapid influx of new development.  (Updated 1/19/2022)

If a resident or development requires sewer service in a location where none currently exist, special arrangements must be made with the District.  Main line extension permitting cost is approximately 5% of Construction cost.  Construction of any new facilities is the responsibility of the applicant, and shall be inspected by the District.


Commercial Structures & Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Commercial connection fee (new commercial construction only, price based on fixture type and equivalent fixture count) at $129.01 per fixture count.  (Updated 2/1/2023)

This fee also applies to ADUs (not to regular single family unit dwellings).

San Pablo Avenue Sewer Capacity Improvement Impact Fee Program:  In addition to the standard fixture fee, an additional Capacity Charge of $271.19 per equivalent fixture count (EFC) shall be assessed for properties within the program area.  The impact fee shall be used to fund capacity improvements brought about by the rapid influx of new development. (Updated 1/19/2022)

Fixture TypeEquivalent Fixture Count
Bathtub or Bath/Shower2
Clothes Washer, Domestic3
Dishwasher, Domestic2
Drinking Fountain (per head)0.5
Floor Drain2
Floor Sink3
Food waste grinder, Commercial3
Lavatory in sets of two or three2
Lavatory, single1
Shower multi-head each additional1
Shower single-head trap2
Sink, Mop3
Water Closet4
Watercooler (per head)0.5


Permit Requirements

A construction permit is required for all new construction or repair/modification of pre-existing sanitary sewer structures (no permits are required for "test only" or water / air pressure tests, or instances where no modifications to existing sewer lateral are performed).

Contractor Requirements for District Permits

Contractors, please see these licensing and insurance REQUIREMENTS before applying for a permit with the District.  Having all your documents in order and up to date with maximize efficiency and reduce your wait time.  Contact us if you have any detailed questions.


Permit Fees

Sewer repairs and replacement for existing sewer laterals

Construction permit and inspection $25


Residential or Commercial Developers

Developers are encouraged to contact the District during the planning stage and before the plan check process to ensure that all requirements are met for certain types of developments.

Please be advised that the District may require a SEWER CAPACITY STUDY under certain circumstances before any plan is reviewed for building plan check services.

Sewer Capacity Study may be required if any of the following conditions are met:

  1. 10 or more Residential units.
  2. 10,000 squre feet of office or commercial facility.
  3. 1,000 square feet of restaurant.
  4. Laundromat and/or industrial laundry.

Please refer to the following guidelines for more information.

Properties located within the City of El Cerrito San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan shall be subject to the ‘San Pablo Avenue Sewer Capacity Improvement Impact Fee Program’ but is exempt from the requirements of a Sewer Capacity Study.

Building and development plans for the Cities of El Cerrito, Unincorporated Kensington and Richmond Annex must first be reviewed by the District as per the applicable building department listed previously.

Further, please be advised that any food service establishments must first consult with EBMUD fats-oils-and-grease (FOG) department for grease control responsibilities.  Contact EBMUD FOG for more information.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER for Developments Along and within the proximity of San Pablo Avenue, regarding the City of El Cerrito San Pablo Avenue Sewer Capacity Improvement Impact Fee Program:

Properties located within the City of El Cerrito San Pablo Avenue Specific Plan shall be subject to the ‘San Pablo Avenue Sewer Capacity Improvement Impact Fee Program’.

This Fee is intended to satisfy the requirement for a Sewer Capacity Study.  A Sewer Capacity Study shall not be required in parcels where the imapct fee is assessed.  The additional impact fee shall be used to fund capacity improvements brought about by the rapid influx of new development.

Some properties outside of San Pablo Avenue may be affected.  To determine if a certain parcel is within the Specific Plan Area, please contact our staff via phone or email.


New and Existing Restaurants

New and/or remodelling food service establishments (FSE) may need to install a grease control device, and comply with other requirements.

Please download and review the FSE GUIDELINES which is required prior to plan check.


Construction Guidelines

Permits and payment of fees are required for any sanitary sewer lateral construction, replacement or repair within the District service area which includes the City of El Cerrito, Kensington and the Richmond Annex.  The District oversees any construction OUTSIDE the building foundation.

Construction guidelines for proper methods, approved materials, and requirements can be found on the General Guidelines page.

Please note any INSIDE plumbing work is under the jurisduiction of the appropriate building department.  (City of El Cerrito, Contra Costa County for Kensington, and the City of Richmond for the Richmond Annex.)