What do I do if sewage is backing up into my house?
Contact us at our Emergency 24-hour Line: (510) 524-4667. We will investigate the situation.
Does Stege handle garbage (solid waste) or storm drains?
No, Stege only maintains the sanitary sewer system.
What is the plan check proceess?
As part of the City/County plan check review process you must first submit plans to the Stege Sanitary District for review/stamp. Simply walk-in to provide printed full-size paper plans to our office prior to submitting to the City/County. The District will review the same plans submitted to the City/County, and applicants typically provide 3 sets of full size plans. After your plans are reviewed and fees are paid you may submit them to the City/County.
There is a 24 hour turn around time for review and plans are accepted over the counter.
No application form is needed. We accept payment by check or credit card.

How am I billed for sewer service?
Unlike other utilities, Stege does NOT invoice customers monthly. Sewer Service Charges are collected through the annual property tax bills issued by the County.
The fee shown for residential properties is an annual rate (monthly rate multiplied by 12) The line item STEGE SEWER CHG are the fees assessed to your property by Stege Sanitary District. Note that this is only for the collection of sanitary sewer flows and that EBMUD charges separately for wastewater treatment.
Who maintains the Private Sewer Lateral Program?
Stege Sanitary District no longer maintains records on the status of Certificates of Compliance for the properties in the District. For questions regarding the status of your property, please contact EBMUD at 1-866-403-2683 or visit www.eastbaypsl.com.
Do I need to replace my sewer lateral when I sell, remodel, or increase water meter size in my house?
Effective October 18, 2011, East Bay Municipal Utility District's (EBMUD) Regional Ordinance shall govern within Stege Sanitary District's service area as it relates to Sewer lateral Compliance.
Property owners are required to obtain a “Certificate of Compliance” for their sewer laterals upon transfer of title (sale of property), significant remodel of $100,000 or more, or change in water meter size.
For details on specific policies and guidelines, or for records and information on your property's current compliance status, please visit EBMUD's East Bay Regional Private Sewer Lateral Program.
Stege Sanitary District no longer maintains records on the status of Certificates of Compliance for the properties in the District. For questions regarding the status of your property, please contact EBMUD at 1-866-403-2683 or visit www.eastbaypsl.com.
Who is responsible for breaks or stoppages in my sewer lateral?
The property owner is responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the entire sewer lateral from the building plumbing to and including the connection at the main sewer.
Do I need a Backflow Prevention Device (BPD)?
If you have experienced or suspect that your home is vulnerable to a sewage backup or overflow, call the District for a FREE inspection of your property. A District Inspector will visit your property and can determine whether a BPD is required. Please visit our BPD page for more information.
Where can I find a qualified plumber to work on my house side sewer?
A list of plumbing contractors currently registered with the Stege Sanitary District is available at our District office. If you choose a contractor not currently on the list, the contractor must first register with the District and obtain a permit before doing any side sewer work.
What is a sewer easement and do I have an easement on my property?
An easement is a legal right for someone to use another's property for a particular purpose such as a sewer line. Most easements do not affect the owners day to day use of the property, causing many to forget one even exists. Occasionally, the District may need to excavate in a sewer easement to make needed repairs, but extra care will be taken to prevent unnecessarily harming any surrounding areas. Please check out the “Publications” web pages for more on easements.
If you would like to find out if you have a sewer easement on your property, call us at (510) 524-4668 during normal business hours.
What should I do if I see an overflowing manhole or flowing water where there was none before?
Contact us at our Emergency 24-hour Line: (510) 524-4667. We will investigate the situation and determine if it is a sewer related matter.